Thursday, December 15, 2011

10th Day of Joy

Old Christmas Music

Growing up, my mom filled our house with Christmas music...just as often in July as in December. My first memories were of them were being played on vinyl on her giant stereo in our living room. Over the years, my sister and I have constantly teased her about her Christmas music and movie obsession. The truth is though that nothing gives me that warm, homey, childlike wonder about the season the way that old music does. I've been playing music for my girls (on my ipod rather then my record player). I found lots of fun modern songs sung by cartoon characters and from movies they've seen, but I still find myself pulled towards the originals over the music that has been released in recent decades.

My joy for today is rocking the neighborhood with my Bing, Nat, Elvis, Judy, Burl, Brenda, and the rest of the gang.

My apologies to our 22 year old'll totoally get it in about 10 years.

This post is part of 12 Days of Joy where I am celebrating the holiday season by sharing simple little joys in my life.  See also: 
12th Day of Joy - Cinnamon 
11th Day of Joy - A Handwritten Letter

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