Monday, December 19, 2011

6th Day of Joy

Wylde Ivy

As I carried the last load of Wylde Ivy orders into my house to await pickup tomorrow morning, I realized again for the one millionth time how much I love my job. I spend most of my waking hours running and multi-tasking. It's the way I'm built. I love that pace, but far too often in all the bustle I let my mind be over run with to do lists and worries and deadlines. When life slows down and I think about my business, a deluge of gratitude falls over me for all the wonderful people from all over the world I have met because of Wylde Ivy. As if that wasn't enough, I've grown so much as a person, learned so many new skills, and got braver in taking chances. Every single day I find joy in an email or a note from a customer. Sometimes I'm lucky enough for someone to share a story about how one of my products has touched their day. Funny, joyful, serious, or inspiring, these I cherish every one of these shared stories. 

So, on this cold, clear December night and way past my bedtime, I am joyful for my little perfume shop on the web.

This post is part of 12 Days of Joy where I am celebrating the holiday season by sharing simple little joys in my life.  To keep things simple for me, all photos for this series were taken with my iphone and processed with Instagram.  See also: 
12th Day of Joy - Cinnamon 
11th Day of Joy - A Handwritten Letter 
10th Day of Joy - Old Christmas Music 
9th Day of Joy - A Winter Walk 
8th Day of Joy - Gingerbread Houses
7th Day of Joy - Joy

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