Friday, December 14, 2007
The Twins and I
Wow, I don’t know if I’m coming or going at this point. Things are just crazy around here. We’ve got the normal holiday rush going on and are swamped with orders. I’m still training my new help and all the normal “baby stuff” that needs to be done to get ready for the baby’s arrival is doubled when there is twins involved!
I’ve been to so many doctor’s appointments….they like to see you a lot when you are carrying two! It really cramps my schedule, but I’m so grateful how proactive my doctors are. I see a local doctor ever two weeks and a special high risk team every three to check the twins growth. The specialist are almost an hour and half drive one way but I’m fortunate to be even that close to a nationally recognized hospital. I’ll be delivering there so it’s nice to be getting to know the staff there so well. All these doctors appointments are on top of the lab work and tests I keep getting scheduled for. All the normal tests pregnant women have, I’m having twice. I’m having early tests done for everything to catch any problems before the occur, then I’ll have them at the normal time later in the pregnancy as well. Wow, all I can say is I really love how overprotective my doctors are…even if it does tighten my work schedule.
So the great news is that we’re expecting two healthy little girls! Lily Emma and Maya Juliette are identical sisters and we are so excited to get to witness the bond that only identical twins can share with each other. My little girls aren't only sharing their looks, they are sharing a placenta, instead of each having their own so there is some special care that I have to take with this pregnancy. This had put them at risk for something know as Twin to Twin Transfer Syndrome where growth problems could occur in one or both of the babies due to the fact they are sharing the same blood supply within the placenta. We found out early that this might have been a possibility when they noted that they were indeed sharing the placenta. I can’t even tell you how nervous we were about it. For almost eight weeks in the beginning we just wondered if that was going to be a factor in the pregnancy. Our doctor told us that the symptoms of TTTS are usually easily diagnosed by 18 weeks. If my 18 week ultrasound showed no signs then there was a really good chance that we were in the clear. Well at the 18 week ultrasound we were able to see that there was absolutely no sign of TTTS! Yay! Both girls were measuring exactly 8 ounces. Of coarse they did lots of other in depth looks at the blood flow through the placenta and umbilical cords to rule it out.
I just had my 21 week ultrasound and the doctor was thrilled. Lily and Maya are still growing at the same size…and are weighing in ahead of the norm (for even a singleton pregnancy) at a pound each! I feel so relieved!
I never stop moving. I’m the type of person who has to keep busy all the time. I’ve been threatened to be tied to a chair if I don’t start to take it easy. That comes to the special care that I need to give to this pregnancy. To ensure that we all stay healthy and safe, and because the babies have on large placenta instead of each having their own, my doctors want me to go on a modified bedrest starting the end of this month. Oh the shock of hearing that news! First they are telling me how great I’m doing and how excellent the girls look, then the “this is what we’d like you to do” speech comes in. To be off me feet for 10 weeks or more is a scary and hard thing for me to accept. I usually never sit still! I’ve had a little over a month to get used to the idea of being on maternity house arrest and to get things in order. I’ve decided that I want to do everything in my power to keep these two little girls safe and healthy for the last half of my pregnancy….even if that does mean…gasp…watching tv with my feet up! I've got one shot at doing this pregnancy thing right.
So what does this mean for Wylde Ivy. Well as I said, I’ve been working as hard as I can (as hard as a woman pregnant with twins can anyway!) for the last few weeks getting helpers trained and stocking inventory. Wylde Ivy will remain open for as long as possible while I’m on bedrest. I have people that will pick and pack the orders, so it will be business as usual here as long as the inventory holds out. I never did have the time to train someone to take over making all of the products (even though my husband has been kicking out some awesome swirled soaps as I’ve needed help making the heavy stuff like soap for the last few weeks…go hubby go….do I smell another soap maker in the works?) So unfortunately as the inventory is depleted, it won’t be restocked until the spring. There will be a brief closure in the spring, most likely somewhere around the end of March (or whenever these two girls decide to make an appearance).
Turnaround times may be slightly longer then usual for the next few months since none of my packers will be working full time. I’ll be overseeing the operations remotely so it will be a bit of an experiment until we get a smooth system running. I will do my best to keep everyone informed.
Wylde Ivy has consumed 90% of my time for the last few years. What am I going to do with myself if I can’t get into my soap making room and play with all my lovely scents and ingredients! I’ll be sitting on the couch dreaming up new soaps, scents, and products…that’s what I’ll be doing! Perhaps I can convince hubby to bring me some pipettes and scents from "the lab" so I can concoct!
Saturday, December 08, 2007
On the Curing Rack...
December 17th:
Chocolate Fatale
Little Shop in Salem
Amber Chai
Salem Men's Soap
Friday, December 07, 2007
Just can't seem to get any jewelry up on the site

This is a Serpentine and gold bracelet. The detail in these Serpentine beads is just amazing. I love natural gemstones for all their unique character.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Some Changes to the Website
This brings me to the reason for this quick update. There are going to be a few changes to the website tomorrow. Instead of having individual pages for each scent in the product categories like the Lotions, Scrubs, and Silken Body Oils, there will be one product listing for all the Lotions with a dropdown menu for scent choice. It will be the same for the Scrubs and Silken Body Oils as well. This is to help cut down on our customers browsing time and hopefully help make the website run a little smoother. All of the individual product pages will be disabled when the change is complete. This means if you have products saved to your wishlist or shopping cart, they will no longer be available or be able to be viewed. It will be about 24 hours until the change takes place and the individual product listings are removed. If you are afraid you won't remember the items you added to your wishlist, you can make a quick list of them now, to add back in later when the new format is live.
I'm sorry if this causes an inconvenience for you. I'm hoping by doing so, it will make a more pleasurable shopping experience for you in the future.
Monday, October 29, 2007
So where is the rest of the winter stuff....
Keep your eyes peeled for a newsletter to be delivered when the products hit the website announcing their arrival...and maybe even a special holiday surprise as well!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Just some Wednesday Pictures!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Winter Scent Release Second Wave
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
New Product Updates
The new Scent of the Month will be listed along with the new products. Since so many of you asked what this month's scent is, I'll give you a little hint. For some reason, I feel like I already announced the new scent.
Scrub Bars seem to be on every one's minds right now. I'm really tyring to get these stocked for the season, but the weather here in PA is just not cooperating. It has been 85 degrees for the at least the last week. Cool weather is supposed to be on the way, so I hope to get plugging away on the Scrub Bar inventory as soon as it cools down enough.
Monday, October 08, 2007
What's on the Curing Rack
November 1st:
Blackberry Cotton Candy (restock)
Pure Butter Spa Bar (restock)
Yuletide (winter seasonal)
Thursday, October 04, 2007
I Love Mint
These products will need to be labeled and most of them will need to be photographed and added to the website. This will take a few more days. Watch for the next wave of Fall Release as well as the new Scent of the Month coming soon!!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
What we are up to....
I have some help inventorying the stock the last few days. This is a big task but is necessary to keep the online inventory counts matching what is actually in stock. There are a few products showing "Out of Stock" on the website that are actually not sold out. So as we finish up inventory, I'll be updating the inventory online.
Watch for our new products to be added early next week! I still can't set an exact date and time, but if you subscribe to the Newsletter you'll be notified when it is complete!
First I'd like to start off by sharing some news that is wonderful, but also may change Wylde Ivy slightly for a time. My husband and I are expecting twins this Spring!
So what does this mean for Wylde Ivy? I have extra help in training now for order processing and packing. The rest of the Wylde Ivy business such as product conception, product production, packaging design, website maintenance, photography, and marketing has always be done almost entirely by me. I will work as long as possible, but with twins it may be necessary for me to stop working a little earlier in the pregnancy then I had originally intended. Things such as new product releases and Scent of the Month may slow down for a little while or possibly be halted as we get used to a new routine around here. I may find it necessary to temporarily cut some slower moving products and scents.
Fall Release
This year's Fall release of new products will be slightly affected by this as well. During the summer I formulated lots of new scents that I was intending to roll into production all at the same time. This massive production has just not been possible for me over the last few weeks. Since I just don't feel comfortable setting release dates that I may not be able to keep, I've decided to release the products in a few smaller installments when I am able to get them finished. I've got some great scents in the works such as the return of Marshmallow Gingerbread and Ice Princess along with all new scents that include Mint Truffle, Cranberry Current, Amber Chai, and Cinnamon Brulee to name a few. There is also a group of all new soaps that are cured and waiting to be put onto the website. I hope to have these photographed and put onto the website (along with the first wave of the Fall release) within the week. Some of these new soaps include Lemon Custard, Mint Truffle, Almond Creme, Sugared Mint, and Amber Chai. I will also make sure there is an assortment of Marshmallow Gingerbread products available with the first release, for all of you who are anxiously awaiting that scent!
Over the summer I also tested lots of new soap scents. I had planned on releasing quite a few new soaps this season. The testing is actually the hard part and that is done. I'll be implementing some help around here to make soap, like having someone available to lift and pour the heavy items for me. So hopefully, I will still be able to put all the great soap scents that I tested into production this season as well.
Wylde Ivy in the Long Run
There very well may be a temporary closure of our store this Spring. I am working hard now getting things in order to keep the closure as short as possible if it must happen. Rest assured, I will always keep my customers informed of any major changes to the business as soon as I know myself. Wylde Ivy has been a passion of mine for over four years and I look forward to many more years!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Poll Question
I’d like to get a feel for what you guys would like to see most in regards to Sales, Specials, and Customer Loyalty Programs at Wylde Ivy.
I hope you all already take advantage of our Bonus Points program for registered website members. It is a free service that allows you to create a customer account at our website from which you can earn bonus points for every order you place with us! All you have to do is make sure you are logged into your account when you place your order. Your points can then be turned into gift certificates to use on our website or to pass along as a gift to a loved one. You get a point for every dollar you spend on merchandise at Wylde Ivy. Ten points equals $1.00, so essentially you get 10% back on every purchase you make at Wylde Ivy just for being a member! You earn these points every time you place an order.
I love offering this benefit to our customers as a thank you for shopping with us. This discount sometimes limits further discounts we could offer during sporadic sales and monthly promotions however. We often get emails asking about store wide sales, shipping discounts, and other types of promotions. Since our products are already discounted through the bonus points program, it can sometimes be tricky to offer substantial additional promotions.
So my question to you is, how would you like to see Wylde Ivy reward you as a customer?
-Keep the Bonus Points program just as it is.
Well this is pretty self explanatory. We can keep offering the 10% back in bonus points on every order for our registered customers with the very occasional public Sale or Special.
-Discontinue the Bonus Points Program
and offer more general sales and specials. Registered users would no longer earn the 10% back on orders but it would free us up to offer more special offers to and sales at randoms times.
-Scale back on the Bonus Points Program
and offer a few more general sales. This would cut back on the Bonus Points redeemable value, meaning you may earn $1.00 for every 20 or 25 points or only only be able to collect Bonus Points during certain times or with the purchase of certain products. This would free us up to run a few general sales and special promotions.
So voice your opinion in the voting to your right. You will only be able to vote once. I welcome any comments or thoughts you may have. Comments can be posted to this blog post but clicking on the “Comments” button below or you may use the Contact form on the website ( )
I will take all votes and comments into careful consideration for planning future moves here at Wylde Ivy!
Thanks you your time and input!
Friday, August 17, 2007
Busy Week But.....

Wednesday, August 08, 2007
August Soap Release Scheduale
August 20
Unscented Castile Milk Soap
August 27
Neem & Tea Tree
Chocolate Fatale
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Wylde Ivy has a New Web Address!
Monday, July 30, 2007
New Pictures
Friday, July 13, 2007
Mid-Summer Ramblings
Yesterday it was actually so cool, overcast, and breezy outside (really absolutely strange for mid summer in Pennsylvania!) that it has me thinking about the fall. Cool breezy days, warm sweaters, hot treats from the oven...I used the inspiration to finish up the work on the new fall scents. I'm just bursting to announce the new scents, but I'm going to keep them a secret a little longer to give me time to do the proper testing and market research for them. I am anticipating changing the scent lineup over to the fall and winter scents sometime the end of September. Stay tuned for hints and insider news here on the blog when we get closer to that time. Ok, I will just say one thing (since I've already been getting emails begging for it), Marshmallow Gingerbread is definitely coming back this year! So don't fear, you'll be able to get your fill of warm, gooey, spicy goodness in September!
There is also some new products in the works, some of which will be released very soon! I've got a Rosemary Rhassoul Zoft to match the ever popular Rosemary Rhassoul Sudz that is just about ready to release. There will also be a Botanical Shine Sudz in the works, to go with the Zoft of the same name that will be ready soon.
I have a gorgeous new perfume scent that I just finished formulation on. I've been working on the concept for this scent for almost five months now. It is light, it is sugary, it is just beautiful! Keep an eye out for the August email newsletter for more details.
Also, be on the lookout for the return of our All Natural Peppermint Shea Butter Lip Balm!
Ok, ok....there is more in the works that I would love to tell you about but the rest is just a little too far from completion for me to go spilling my guts right now.
So get out there, go to the beach, take a hike in the woods, or just find a shady spot under a big maple tree and enjoy the rest of your summer!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007
July's Soap Curing Rack
July 30th Release:
Little Shop in Salem
August 1st Release:
African Vanilla Bean
August 20th Release:
Unscented Castile Milk
Friday, May 25, 2007
Friday, May 18, 2007
Free Sampler Boxes Extended!

Free Sampler Boxes with orders over $55.00!
Thursday, May 17, 2007
May Soap Release Schedule
Lemon Ozone
Lime Margarita (Deli Soap)
Santa Ana (Men's Line)
48 Days Already....
Scents of the Month
The Scents of the Month, no doubt you've already noticed are Lime Fizz and Creamy Coconut. While that is old news, the new news is that we are going to keep both of these scents for June as well! We unexpectedly sold out of the Lime Fizz soap early on in the month but I'm working hard to fit making more into my schedule so it can be available next month for those that missed out.
Vacation Closing
Wylde Ivy will be closed for Memorial Day on May 28th. We will also be closed from June 4th through the 18th for our summer vacation. While I am off hiking all over the Smokey Mountains, the website will remain open to accept your orders. Once we reopen on the 18th, we'll begin packing and shipping orders immediately. I have extra help lined up to help shorten the turnaround time.
Friday, March 23, 2007
Wylde Ivy Opens at 3:00!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Discontinued Scents and Products
- Winter Seasonal Scents: As American as Apple Pie (we'll keep this around in a soap scent for just a little while longer), Marshmallow Gingerbread, Ice Princess, Woodland Orchard (this one will be kept in stock as an Aroma Melt and Soap), and Winter Pear.
- Bella Vanille: As much as I personally adore this fragrance, the sales have been too slow to justify keeping its space in our inventory.
- Perfume scents: BabyCakes, Blush, Celestial, Frivolous, Irresistible, Scarlet, Such A Flirt, and Sweet Serendipity.
- Seasonal Aroma Melts: Gingered Pineapple, HoneyBear, Ice Princess, Make Mine a Mocha, Orange Glazed Gingerbread, Pantry Door, September Spice, and Vanilla Nut.
- Aroma Melts: Angel Cake, Buttercream Brulee, Cocoa Beans, Frank N Orange, French Vanilla, Lime Margarita, and Simple Pleasures.
- Silken Body Oils: We will also be (hopefully only temporarily) discontinuing our Silken Body Oils. We became aware of a problem with the packaging. We have tried several other packaging solutions in the time that we have been closed, none of which solved the problem. We have a few more ideas to explore. Once we are able to get the problem solved, we will begin to make this product again.
- Honey Nut Cream: We are also removing this product temporally, to reformulate the scent. The vanilla content in the current scent we use for this product causes the cream to turn anywhere from a light pink to a deep lavender color (depending on the exposure to light). Discoloration is common in products that contain vanilla based fragrances. Though this does not affect the product or the scent, we would like to find a scent that will cause a less drastic color change.
We are still in the process of taking inventory and updating our online inventory and website. The products that are being moved to the Clearance categories will go on special Friday, March 23rd when we reopen. It is always hard to make the decision to discontinue a product or scent or to pull it from inventory to do some reformulating. We only do this so we can continue to offer you the best possible products and well as new and exciting scents that correspond with the changing seasons.
Thank you all, and we are looking forward to opening the "virtual doors" of the Wylde Ivy store on Friday and getting back to preparing and shipping your orders! Stay tuned to our Blog for information on the exact opening time on Friday!
Friday, March 16, 2007
Soap Release Teaser #3
A fresh warm summer breeze carrying the sweet fragrance budding of wildflowers.

Pink Pearls
A fresh mix of fruits and tropical flowers.
Fairy Lily
Delicate Lily of the Valley blossoms
A heavy blend of Tuberose, Jasmine, and Gardenia petals.
Friday, March 09, 2007
Soap Release Teaser #2
Friday, March 02, 2007
Email Announcement
Soap Release Teaser #1

Tuesday, February 27, 2007
March Soap Release schedule
Soap Restocks for March 23:
Spa Blend
Creamy Coconut
African Vanilla Bean
Chamomile Oatmeal Castile
HoneyBee Good!
White Cashmere
Monday, February 26, 2007
Updated Closing Announcment!
Orders placed up until February 28th at 5:00pm EST will ship within the currant specified turnaround time. After that time, we will be officially closed and any new orders placed from that time on will be processed and shipped in the order the were placed when we reopen on March 23rd.
While we are closed and working on the new inventory, feel free to check back here. On each Friday while we are closed, I will be posting some sneak peaks of some of our newest soaps!
We will reopen on the 23th with a launch of the new Spring and Summer line as well as the new Honey Almond Cookie Scent of the Month!
Friday, February 09, 2007
Lots of News in a Small Blog Post!
Just some news, gossip, and happenings here at Wylde Ivy:
In preparation for the release of Spring and Summer Scents, Wylde Ivy will be closed from March 1st through the 15th. We will reopen on the 16th with the debut of Spring and Summer Scents!
We've been getting asked how long our Solid Scrub Bars are going to be in production. We are going to play that one by ear, so to speak. We will keep them in production as long as the weather stays cool enough for them to hold up here at our location in Pennsylvania. I am anticipating them to be available through April.
Winter Seasonal Scents will be in production until the end of this month only. On March 1st, they will be discontinued until next fall. These scents include:
Marshmallow Gingerbread, As American as Apple Pie, Ice Princess, Winter Pear, Woodland Orchard
From our Aroma Melt Line: Cinn A Sweet, Sweet Pumpkin Kiss, Orange Glazed Gingerbread, As American As Apple Pie, Gingered Pineapple, HoneyBear, Ice Princess, Make Mine a Mocha, Winter Pear, and Vanilla Nut.
Sudz and Zoft We're are getting a lot emails asking if we will be adding new scents to our haircare line. Yes! We have it in the works now! We hope to add about five new scents to the basic Sudz and Zoft line. We are also in the process of formulating a Sudz to go with the Botanical Shine Zoft and a Rhassoul Zoft to compliment the Rhassoul and Nettle Sudz.
Unfortunately, before the launch of new products, there is always that time where we have to look back on the product line and see what scents or products we might have to let go to make room. We'll be doing this dirty deed next week, so stay tuned here for the cut list.
Black Tea Jasmine, HoneyBee Good!, and Orange Fluff Cake scents will all be in regular production throughout the summer!
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Friday, January 19, 2007
Soap Release Schedule
Special Valentine's Day Soap Release
February 1st:
Patchouli & Oats Restock
February 7th:
Blackberry Cotton Candy Restock
February 12th:
Raspberry Lemonade Restock
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Scent of the Month Swag Winner
Monday, January 08, 2007
Swag Raffle Winners!
The winning raffle ticket numbers are as follows:
$50.00 Gift Certifciate: Ticket Number 8794197
Tart Burner and Aroma Melt Set: Ticket Number 8794090
Soap Cake Set: Ticket Number 8794447
You Choose Scent of the Month: Ticket Number 8794095